Lot 13
Pictorial Album of Greek & Roman Life
Live Auction
BCD Library Part 2 - Sale 171
Live bidding began Nov 2, 2024 at 12 PM EDT
Fougères, Gustave. LA VIE PUBLIQUE ET PRIVÉE DES GRECS ET DES ROMAINS. ALBUM CONTENANT ENVIRON 885 GRAVURES, PLANS, VUES, RESTAURATIONS D’ÉDIFICES, REPRODUCTIONS DE SITES CLASSIQUES ET DE MONUMENTS FIGURES (VASES PEINTS, BAS-RELIEFS, PEINTURES, MOSAÏQUES, MONNAIES, PIERRE GRAVÉES, ETC.). Paris: Libraire Hachette et Cie., 1894. Folio [39.5 by 29 cm], original brown cloth decorated and lettered in black. viii, 116 pages; 885 text figures. Some foxing; corner bump; very good. Includes sections on the country, primitive civilizations, the city, the house and furniture, private life, education, games, the theatre, war, the navy, politics, work, religion, marriage, death, and iconography.